Wild Mountain Thyme
Will you go, lassie, go?
And we’ll all go together
To pull wild mountain thyme
All around the blooming heather.
Will you go, lassie go?
Title: Wild Mountain Thyme
Composer: Traditional/Robert Tannahill. Arranged by Tim Berens
Description: Wild Mountain Thyme is a traditional Scottish/Irish folk song that traces its roots back to The Braes of Balquhither by Scottish poet Robert Tannahill (1774–1810). It is known by many names including Will Ye Go Lassie, Go? and Purple Heather. The lyrics celebrate a young man’s love for a young woman.
Our arrangement sets the piece to a fun 6/8 groove that ranges from gentle to driving, just like a young lad’s love for his lassie. Each section of the orchestra is featured in its own passage.
Instrumentation: 3332/4331/Timp+2/Guitar/Harp/Strings. Optional audience sing-along section. Can be performed with 2222 woodwinds.
Length: 3:45
Rental Fee: $275.00 first performance. $90.00 per subsequent performance.
Delivery Formats: Available in printed parts and scores, or PDF parts and scores, or both. An additional $100.00 fee applies for delivery in both printed and PDF formats.
Sound Selection by: Sibelius 7.5
The Sarasota Orchestra recently performed Wild Mountain Thyme.
Photo Credit: Wynand van Poortvliet