Gimme a Fifth o' Funk
Title: Gimme a Fifth o' Funk
Composer: Ludwig Funk Beethoven/Arranged by Tim Berens
Description: Gimme a Fifth o' Funk is a funk version of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. It begins with the first few bars of the fifth, then takes off with a funk groove driving Beethoven’s brilliant composition. Audience members smile when they hear the piece they know so well set to a groove that inspires them to dance.
The 8 bar solo at measure 38 can be improvised by saxophone, keyboard, or guitar, or played with the notated trumpet solo, or even opened up for multiple solos.
Audiences love this one.
Instrumentation: 3332/4331/Timp+2/Drum Set/Electric Bass/Guitar/Piano/Strings. (Can be performed with 2222 woodwinds.)
Length: 3:00
Rental Fee: $275.00 first performance. $90.00 per subsequent performance.
Delivery Formats: Available in printed parts and scores, or PDF parts and scores, or both. An additional $100.00 fee applies for delivery in both printed and PDF formats.
Sound Selection by: Sibelius 7.5 with Note Performer