Also Funk Zarathustra
“Thus Funk Zarathustra” is the English translation of this title, a go-go funk version of the grand tone poem by Richard Strauss.
Photo Credit: ESO/Igor Chekalin
Title: Also Funk Zarathustra
Composer: Richard Strauss/Tim Berens
Description: Much of the world knows Richard Strauss’ Also Sprach Zarathustra as the Theme to 2001 A Space Odyssey. Our arrangement begins with the grand opening we all know and love, and then takes a detour to Funkytown. The melody is set to a go-go funk groove that will cause your audience’s heads to bob and their toes to tap uncontrollably.
Our arrangement features an “orchestra solo” that allows the orchestra to shred over the funk. This piece is a great way to open a pops concert.
Instrumentation: 2222/4331/Timp+2/Drum Set/Electric Bass/Piano/Strings
Length: 3:30
Rental Fee: $275.00 first performance. $90.00 per subsequent performance.
Delivery Formats: Available in printed parts and scores, or PDF parts and scores, or both. An additional $100.00 fee applies for delivery in both printed and PDF formats.
Sound Selection by: Sibelius 7.5